The BHM Service Desk team provides information and assistance with applications to BHM's funds. You can connect with the service desk via web chat, email, phone, or in-person visits at Borgartún 27, Reykjavík.
Operating hours are from 9:00 to 15:00, Monday to Thursday, and from 9:00 to 13:00 on Fridays.
Phone: 595 5100
Applications and supporting documents are submitted electronically through My BHM (Mínar síður).
The Rules of Allocation
The Board of the Public Sector Relief Fund
Chairman of the board
Anna Lilja Magnúsdóttir
Association of Social Educators (Þroskaþjálfafélag Íslands)
Vice-chairman of the board
Runólfur Vigfússon
Trade Union of Natural Scientists (Félag íslenskra náttúrufræðinga)
Baldur Freyr Ólafsson
Union of Economists and Business Academics (Kjarafélag viðskipta- og hagfræðinga)
Hanna Dóra Hólm Másdóttir
Academic Union of Ministerial Staff (Félag háskólamenntaðra starfsmanna Stjórnarráðsins)
Board member
Sveinn Tjörvi Viðarsson
Union of Lawyers (Stéttarfélag lögfræðinga)