The student membership arrangement varies among the associations that offer such membership. Students who are interested in becoming a member or/and need information are advised to contact the member associations directly.
Association of Academic Employees at the University of Reykjavík
Félag akademískra starfsmanna við Háskólann í Reykjavík
Association of Stage Directors in Iceland
Félag leikstjóra á Íslandi
Association of University Teachers in Akureyri
Félag háskólakennara á Akureyri
Icelandic Association of Biomedical Scientists
Fag- og stéttarfélag lífeindafræðinga
Icelandic Association of Social Workers
Félagsráðgjafafélag Íslands
Icelandic Occupational Therapist Association
Iðjuþjálfafélag Íslands
Icelandic Society of Radiographers
Félag geislafræðinga
The Academic Union of Ministerial Staff
Félag háskólamenntaðra starfsmanna Stjórnarráðsins.
The Association of Developmental Therapists
Þroskaþjálfafélag Íslands
The Association of Icelandic Artists in Performing Arts and Films
Félag íslenskra listamanna í sviðslistum og kvikmyndum
The Icelandic Association of Psychologists
Sálfræðingafélag Íslands
The Icelandic Physiotherapy Association
Félag sjúkraþjálfara
The Icelandic Priests´ Association
Prestafélag Íslands
The Union of Midwifes
Ljósmæðrafélag Íslands
The Union of Professors at State Universities
Félag prófessora við ríkisháskóla
Union of Economists and Business Academics
Kjarafélag viðskiptafræðinga og hagfræðinga
Union of Lawyers
Stéttarfélag lögfræðinga