Hin magnaða kvennasamstaða þvert á pólitískar línur árið 1975 lagði hornsteininn að stórkostlegustum þjóðfélagsbreytingum. En þrátt fyrir þrotlausa baráttu í hálfa öld búa konur enn við misrétti og ofbeldi. Við ætlum ekki að bíða í 50 ár til viðbótar!
Nú tökum við höndum saman enn á ný og fylkjumst bak við kröfurnar. Við vitum sem er að sameiginlegur kraftur okkar er óstöðvandi. Sagan sýnir okkur það. Við getum, þorum og viljum!
Við hvetjum öll til að fjölmenna á viðburðinn og kaupa miða á frumsýninguna sem hefst kl. 19:15 hér: https://bioparadis.is/mynd/438_the-day-iceland-stood-still/
Myndin er aðallega á ensku en með íslenskum texta og Bíó Paradís er aðgengilegt fyrir öll.
The Day Iceland Stood Still - Dagurinn sem Ísland stöðvaðist fer síðan í almennar sýningar í Bíó Paradís – miða og frekari upplýsingar má nálgast á vef Bíó Paradís.
On October 24th, 34 organizations of feminists, women, workers, disabled people and queer people will host an event at Bíó Paradís at 6:30 p.m., where the executive committee of Women's Year 2025 will present their joint demands towards the government, exactly one year after the Women's Strike and the biggest rally in Iceland's history.
After the event, "The Day Iceland Stood Still", an exciting documentary about Women's Day 1975, will be premiered, and after the screening we plan to strengthen our bonds over light refreshments and a sing-along Áfram Stelpur!
The amazing women's solidarity across political lines in 1975 laid the cornerstone for magnificent social changes. But despite a tireless struggle for half a century, women are still subject to inequality and violence. We will not wait another 50 years!
We are ready to receive the baton from the women who came before us, join hands once again and rally behind the demands. We know that our collective power is unstoppable. History shows us that. Við þorum, viljum og getum - We dare, we can and we will!
We encourage everyone to attend the event and buy tickets for the premiere that starts at 19:15 here: https://bioparadis.is/mynd/438_the-day-iceland-stood-still/
The film is mostly in English with Icelandic text, but we are looking into the possibility of a screening with only English text as well. The facilities, Bíó Paradís are accessible for all.
The movie, The Day Iceland Stood Still – will go to public screenings at Bíó Paradís and some screenings will be for English speaking audience. For tickets and further information please visit Bíó Paradís' website.